Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library

Code related to "Node Discovery" (the ATND command, 0x95 frames). More...

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "xbee/platform.h"
#include "xbee/atcmd.h"
#include "xbee/byteorder.h"
#include "xbee/discovery.h"


int xbee_disc_nd_parse (xbee_node_id_t FAR *parsed, const void FAR *source, int source_length)
 Parse a Node Discovery response and store it in an xbee_node_id_t structure. More...
const char * xbee_disc_device_type_str (uint8_t device_type)
 Return a string ("Coord", "Router", "EndDev", or "???") description for the "Device Type" field of a Node ID message. More...
void xbee_disc_node_id_dump (const xbee_node_id_t FAR *ni)
 Debugging function used to dump an xbee_node_id_t structure to stdout. More...
int xbee_disc_add_node_id_handler (xbee_dev_t *xbee, xbee_disc_node_id_fn fn)
 Designate a function to receive parsed Node ID messages on a given XBee device. More...
int xbee_disc_remove_node_id_handler (xbee_dev_t *xbee, xbee_disc_node_id_fn fn)
 Remove a function registered to receive parsed Node ID messages on a given XBee device. More...
int _xbee_disc_parse_and_pass (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *node_data, int length)
 Common function used to parse Node ID messages from various sources, and then pass them on to registered receivers. More...
int xbee_disc_nodeid_cluster_handler (const wpan_envelope_t FAR *envelope, void FAR *context)
 Process messages sent to the Node ID Message cluster (0x0095) of the Digi Data endpoint (0xE8) when ATAO != 0. More...
int xbee_disc_atnd_response_handler (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *raw, uint16_t length, void FAR *context)
 Process AT Command Response frames (type 0x88), looking for ATND responses to parse and pass to Node ID handlers. More...
int xbee_disc_nodeid_frame_handler (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *raw, uint16_t length, void FAR *context)
 Process Node Identification frames (type 0x95), sent when ATAO = 0. More...
int xbee_disc_discover_nodes (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const char *identifier)
 Send an ATND command to the XBee, initiating node discovery for all nodes or a specific node's "node identification" (ATNI) string. More...

Detailed Description

Code related to "Node Discovery" (the ATND command, 0x95 frames).

See full documentation in xbee/discovery.h.