Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
Macros | Variables

Code related to the register descriptor table. More...

#include "xbee/reg_descr.h"
#include "xbee/sxa.h"


#define _XRT_ENTRY(state, tag, at, cxv, desc, units, min, max, rci_type, sxa_field, group)
#define F8   0x0002
#define EZ   0x0004
#define ZB   0x0408
#define X9   0x0010
#define X2   0x0020
#define X8   0x0040
#define DP   0x0080
#define FZ   0x0001
#define SE   0x0100
#define ALL   0x07ff
#define GW   0x8000


const char * _xbee_rci_types []
 Table to map _xbee_rci_type_t to RCI type string. More...
const FAR _xbee_reg_descr_t _xbee_reg_table []

Detailed Description

Code related to the register descriptor table.

The XBee register descriptor table is initialized here.

sxa.h needs to be included before including this header.
This header is sensitive to the macro IDIGI_USE_XBEE. If defined, then extra fields are included in the table in order to support iDigi. Otherwise, the fields are omitted so as to save storage.