Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
Macros | Functions | Variables

Simple XBee API. More...

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "xbee/platform.h"
#include "xbee/atcmd.h"
#include "xbee/byteorder.h"
#include "xbee/device.h"
#include "xbee/discovery.h"
#include "xbee/io.h"
#include "xbee/sxa.h"


#define _xbee_sxa_debug
#define _sys_calloc(s)   calloc( s, 1)
#define _sys_malloc(s)   malloc( s)
#define _sys_free(p)   free( p)
#define SXA_OFFSET(base, ofs)   (void FAR *)((char FAR *)(base) + (ofs))
#define _SXA_CG_INIT(id, field, get, fn)   { id, offsetof(sxa_node_t, field), get, fn }
#define _SXA_CG_INIT_END   { 0, 0, NULL, NULL }
#define sxa_list_head()   sxa_table
#define sxa_list_count()   sxa_table_count


xbee_dev_t *() sxa_xbee (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa)
wpan_address_t FAR *() sxa_wpan_address (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa)
const sxa_cached_group_t FAR_sxa_cache_group_by_id (uint16_t id)
void _sxa_process_version_info (const xbee_cmd_response_t FAR *response, const struct xbee_atcmd_reg_t FAR *reg, void FAR *base)
void _sxa_update_io_config_group (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, const sxa_cached_group_t FAR *cgroup)
int _sxa_disc_process_node_data (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *raw, int length)
 Function shared by multiple functions that process Node Identification Messages (0x95 frames and ATND responses). More...
int _sxa_disc_atnd_response (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *raw, uint16_t length, void FAR *context)
 Frame handler for processing AT Command Response frames. More...
int _sxa_disc_handle_frame_0x95 (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *raw, uint16_t length, void FAR *context)
 Frame handler for processing Node Identification Indicator (0x95) frames. More...
sxa_node_t FARsxa_node_by_addr (const addr64 FAR *ieee_be)
sxa_node_t FARsxa_local_node (const xbee_dev_t *xbee)
sxa_node_t FARsxa_node_by_name (const char FAR *name)
sxa_node_t FARsxa_node_by_index (int index)
sxa_node_t FARsxa_node_add (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const xbee_node_id_t FAR *node_id)
void sxa_node_table_dump (void)
int _sxa_disc_cluster_handler (const wpan_envelope_t FAR *envelope, void FAR *context)
 Cluster handler for "Digi Node Identification" cluster. More...
int _sxa_io_process_response (const addr64 FAR *ieee_be, const void FAR *raw, int length)
 Function shared by multiple functions that process I/O sample messages (0x92 frames and ATIS responses). More...
int _sxa_io_response_handler (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *raw, uint16_t length, void FAR *context)
int _sxa_io_cluster_handler (const wpan_envelope_t FAR *envelope, void FAR *context)
int _sxa_remote_is_cmd_response_handler (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *raw, uint16_t length, void FAR *context)
int _sxa_local_is_cmd_response_handler (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const void FAR *raw, uint16_t length, void FAR *context)
int sxa_get_digital_input (const sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, uint_fast8_t index)
int sxa_get_digital_output (const sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, uint_fast8_t index)
int16_t sxa_get_analog_input (const sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, uint_fast8_t index)
int sxa_set_digital_output (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, uint_fast8_t index, enum xbee_io_digital_output_state state)
int sxa_io_configure (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, uint_fast8_t index, enum xbee_io_type type)
int sxa_io_set_options (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, uint16_t sample_rate, uint16_t change_mask)
int sxa_io_query (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa)
int sxa_io_query_status (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa)
void sxa_io_dump (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa)
sxa_node_t FARsxa_init_or_exit (xbee_dev_t *xbee, const wpan_endpoint_table_entry_t *ep_table, int verbose)
void _sxa_cmd_list_cache_cb (const xbee_cmd_response_t FAR *response, const struct xbee_atcmd_reg_t FAR *reg, void FAR *base)
void _sxa_launch_update (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, const struct _xbee_reg_descr_t FAR *xrd, uint16_t cache_group)
void sxa_tick (void)
sxa_cache_flags_t sxa_cache_status (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, const _xbee_reg_descr_t FAR *zb, uint16_t cache_group)
void _sxa_set_cache_status (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, const _xbee_reg_descr_t FAR *zb, uint16_t cache_group, sxa_cache_flags_t flags)
void FARsxa_cached_value_ptr (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, const _xbee_reg_descr_t FAR *zb)
uint16_t sxa_cached_value_len (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, const _xbee_reg_descr_t FAR *zb)
int sxa_find_pending_cache (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, const _xbee_reg_descr_t FAR *zb)
int sxa_schedule_update_cache (sxa_node_t FAR *sxa, const _xbee_reg_descr_t FAR *zb)
int sxa_is_digi (const sxa_node_t FAR *sxa)


sxa_node_t FARsxa_table = NULL
int sxa_table_count = 0
sxa_node_t FARsxa_local_table = NULL
const FAR xbee_atcmd_reg_t _sxa_ni_query_regs []
const FAR xbee_atcmd_reg_t _sxa_devinfo_query_regs []
const FAR xbee_atcmd_reg_t _sxa_dhdl_query_regs []
const FAR sxa_cached_group_t _sxa_default_cache_groups []
const FAR xbee_atcmd_reg_t _sxa_init_query_regs []

Detailed Description

Simple XBee API.

An additional layer of wrapper functions for the XBee API. The wrappers provide simplified handling of . node discovery . XBee I/O response messages . Caching of AT command results