# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Digi International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
import sys
import six
from suitcase.exceptions import SuitcaseException, \
SuitcasePackException, SuitcaseParseError
from suitcase.fields import FieldPlaceholder, CRCField, SubstructureField
from six import BytesIO
[docs]class ParseError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when there is an error parsing"""
[docs]class Packer(object):
"""Object responsible for packing/unpacking bytes into/from fields"""
def __init__(self, ordered_fields, crc_field):
self.crc_field = crc_field
self.ordered_fields = ordered_fields
def pack(self):
sio = BytesIO()
return sio.getvalue()
def write(self, stream):
# now, pack everything in
crc_fields = []
for name, field in self.ordered_fields:
if isinstance(field, CRCField):
crc_offset = stream.tell()
crc_fields.append((field, crc_offset))
except SuitcaseException:
raise # just reraise the same exception object
except Exception:
# keep the original traceback information, see
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3847503/wrapping-exceptions-in-python
exc_value = SuitcasePackException("Unexpected exception during pack of %r" % name)
six.reraise(type(exc_value), exc_value, sys.exc_info()[2])
# if there is a crc value, seek back to the field and
# pack it with the right value
if len(crc_fields) > 0:
data = stream.getvalue()
for field, offset in crc_fields:
checksum_data = self.crc_field.packed_checksum(data)
def unpack(self, data, trailing=False):
stream = BytesIO(data)
if trailing:
return stream
elif stream.tell() != len(data):
raise SuitcaseParseError("Structure fully parsed but additional bytes remained. Parsing "
"consumed %d of %d bytes" %
(stream.tell(), len(data)))
[docs] def unpack_stream(self, stream):
"""Unpack bytes from a stream of data field-by-field
In the most basic case, the basic algorithm here is as follows::
for _name, field in self.ordered_fields:
length = field.bytes_required
data = stream.read(length)
This logic is complicated somewhat by the handling of variable length
greedy fields (there may only be one). The logic when we see a
greedy field (bytes_required returns None) in the stream is to
pivot and parse the remaining fields starting from the last and
moving through the stream backwards. There is also some special
logic present for dealing with checksum fields.
crc_fields = []
greedy_field = None
# go through the fields from first to last. If we hit a greedy
# field, break out of the loop
for i, (name, field) in enumerate(self.ordered_fields):
if isinstance(field, CRCField):
crc_fields.append((field, stream.tell()))
length = field.bytes_required
if isinstance(field, SubstructureField):
remaining_data = stream.getvalue()[stream.tell():]
returned_stream = field.unpack(remaining_data, trailing=True)
# We need to fast forward by as much as was consumed by the structure
stream.seek(stream.tell() + returned_stream.tell())
elif length is None:
greedy_field = field
data = stream.read(length)
if len(data) != length:
raise SuitcaseParseError("While attempting to parse field "
"%r we tried to read %s bytes but "
"we were only able to read %s." %
(name, length, len(data)))
except SuitcaseException:
raise # just re-raise these
except Exception:
exc_value = SuitcaseParseError("Unexpected exception while unpacking field %r" % name)
six.reraise(type(exc_value), exc_value, sys.exc_info()[2])
if greedy_field is not None:
remaining_data = stream.read()
inverted_stream = BytesIO(remaining_data[::-1])
# work through the remaining fields in reverse order in order
# to narrow in on the right bytes for the greedy field
reversed_remaining_fields = self.ordered_fields[(i + 1):][::-1]
for _name, field in reversed_remaining_fields:
if isinstance(field, CRCField):
(field, -inverted_stream.tell() - field.bytes_required))
length = field.bytes_required
data = inverted_stream.read(length)[::-1]
if len(data) != length:
raise SuitcaseParseError("While attempting to parse field "
"%r we tried to read %s bytes but "
"we were only able to read %s." %
(name, length, len(data)))
except SuitcaseException:
raise # just re-raise these
except Exception:
exc_value = SuitcaseParseError("Unexpected exception while unpacking field %r" % name)
six.reraise(type(exc_value), exc_value, sys.exc_info()[2])
greedy_data_chunk = inverted_stream.read()[::-1]
if crc_fields:
data = stream.getvalue()
for (crc_field, offset) in crc_fields:
crc_field.validate(data, offset)
[docs]class Structure(object):
r"""Base class for message schema declaration
``Structure`` forms the core of the Suitcase library and allows for
a declarative syntax for specifying packet schemas and associated
methods for transforming these schemas into packed bytes (and vice-versa).
Here's an example showing how one might specify the format for a UDP
>>> from suitcase.fields import UBInt16, LengthField, VariableRawPayload
>>> class UDPDatagram(Structure):
... source_port = UBInt16()
... destination_port = UBInt16()
... length = LengthField(UBInt16())
... checksum = UBInt16()
... data = VariableRawPayload(length)
From this we have a near-ideal form for packing and parsing packet
data following the schema::
>>> def printb(s):
... print(repr(s).replace("b'", "'").replace("u'", "'"))
>>> dgram = UDPDatagram()
>>> dgram.source_port = 9110
>>> dgram.destination_port = 1001
>>> dgram.checksum = 27193
>>> dgram.data = b"Hello, world!"
>>> printb(dgram.pack())
'#\x96\x03\xe9\x00\rj9Hello, world!'
>>> dgram2 = UDPDatagram()
>>> dgram2.unpack(dgram.pack())
>>> dgram2
UDPDatagram (
data=...'Hello, world!',
[docs] def from_data(cls, data):
"""Create a new, populated message from some data
This factory method is identical to doing the following, it just takes
one line instead of two and looks nicer in general::
m = MyMessage()
Can be rewritten as just::
m = MyMessage.from_data(data)
m = cls()
return m
def __init__(self):
self._key_to_field = {}
self._parent = None
self._sorted_fields = []
self._placeholder_to_field = {}
if self.__class__._crc_field is None:
self._crc_field = None
self._crc_field = self.__class__._crc_field.create_instance(self)
for key, field_placeholder in self.__class__._sorted_fields:
field = field_placeholder.create_instance(self)
self._key_to_field[key] = field
self._placeholder_to_field[field_placeholder] = field
self._sorted_fields.append((key, field))
self._packer = Packer(self._sorted_fields, self._crc_field)
def __getattr__(self, key):
k2f = self.__dict__.get('_key_to_field', {})
if key in k2f:
field = self._key_to_field[key]
return field.getval()
raise AttributeError
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
k2f = self.__dict__.get('_key_to_field', {})
if key in k2f:
field = self._key_to_field[key]
return field.setval(value)
return object.__setattr__(self, key, value)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._sorted_fields)
def __repr__(self):
output = "%s (\n" % self.__class__.__name__
for field_name, field in self:
output += " %s=%s,\n" % (field_name, field)
output += ")"
return output
def lookup_field_by_name(self, name):
for fname, field in self:
if name == fname:
return field
raise KeyError
def lookup_field_by_placeholder(self, placeholder):
return self._placeholder_to_field[placeholder]
def unpack(self, data, trailing=False):
return self._packer.unpack(data, trailing)
def pack(self):
return self._packer.pack()