Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
XBee Interface


 Serial Interface
 Device Interface
This layer provides a frame-based interface to the XBee module.

 AT Commands
This layer wraps the AT request/response frames to provide an easy method
for querying/setting registers on, and sending AT commands to the XBee.

 AT Mode
This network stack was designed for use with XBee modules in API mode,
but it is sometimes necessary to work with a module in AT mode (for
example, performing DigiMesh firmware updates).

 Firmware Updates
This layer makes use of lower layers to perform updates on XBee modules.

 Digi Data Endpoint
 Handlers for specific frame types
 XBee-specific support of ZCL Commissioning
 Simplified XBee API (deprecated/unmaintained)
 Wi-Fi XBee module (S6B)
 WPAN API implementation for XBee Device

Detailed Description