Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
Data Structures | Macros | Functions
#include "xbee/platform.h"
#include "xbee/xmodem.h"
#include "wpan/aps.h"
#include "xbee/cbuf.h"
#include "xbee/transparent_serial.h"

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Data Structures

struct  pxbee_ota_t
 Structure for tracking state of over-the-air update. More...


 Send data with APS encryption.
 Macro for adding the OTA receive cluster (Digi Transparent Serial) to the cluster list for WPAN_ENDPOINT_DIGI_DATA. More...
#define PXBEE_OTA_CMD_CLIENT_CLUST_ENTRY(handler, context, flag)


int pxbee_ota_init (pxbee_ota_t *ota, wpan_dev_t *dev, const addr64 *target)
 Initialize an pxbee_ota_t structure to send firmware updates to target using dev. More...
int _pxbee_ota_transparent_rx (const wpan_envelope_t FAR *envelope, void FAR *context)
 Cluster handler for "Digi Transparent Serial" cluster. More...