Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
Data Fields
zcl_attribute_base_t Struct Reference

Basic structure for storing a list of attributes in a cluster. More...

#include "zigbee/zcl.h"

Data Fields

uint16_t id
uint8_t flags
uint8_t type
 The ZCL Attribute Type, should be one of the ZCL_TYPE_* macros defined in zigbee/zcl_types.h.
const void FARvalue
 Pointer to global variable of correct type, set as const to allow for both const and non-const values. More...

Detailed Description

Basic structure for storing a list of attributes in a cluster.

If .min and .max are both set to 0, there isn't a limit

Consider putting type after id – it would then be possible to have macros for attributes that include the id AND type.

Field Documentation

const void FAR* value

Pointer to global variable of correct type, set as const to allow for both const and non-const values.

(If const, flags should be include ZCL_ATTRIB_FLAG_READONLY.) If NULL, the ZCL stack will respond to attempts to read/write with ZCL_STATUS_DEFINED_OUT_OF_BAND.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: