Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
Data Fields

OTA Upgrade File Header. More...

#include "zigbee/zcl_ota_upgrade.h"

Data Fields

uint32_t file_id_le
uint16_t header_ver_le
uint16_t header_len_le
uint16_t field_control_le
zcl_ota_image_id_t id
uint16_t zigbee_stack_ver_le
char ota_header_string [32]
uint32_t image_size_le

Detailed Description

OTA Upgrade File Header.

OTA upgrade file identifier; should be ZCL_OTA_FILE_ID. OTA Header version; should be ZCL_OTA_HEADER_VER. OTA Header length; offset from start of file to first sub-element. OTA Header Field control; see ZCL_OTA_FIELD_CONTROL_xxx macros. Image Identification (Manufacturer Code, Image Type, File Version). ZigBee Stack version; see ZCL_OTA_ZIGBEE_STACK_xxx macros. OTA Header string; description of this image. Total OTA Upgrade Image size (including this header).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: