Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
xbee Directory Reference


file  atcmd.h [code]
 Sending AT command requests and processing the responses.
file  atmode.h [code]
 Header for working with XBee modules in AT command mode instead of API mode.
file  bl_gen3.h [code]
 Code to interface with the "Gen3" XBee bootloader.
file  byteorder.h [code]
file  cbuf.h [code]
file  commissioning.h [code]
file  delivery_status.h [code]
file  device.h [code]
file  discovery.h [code]
 Note that Node Discovery isn't supported on XBee Smart Energy firmware.
file  ebl_file.h [code]
 Code for decoding headers from Ember firmware images (.EBL files).
file  ext_modem_status.h [code]
file  file_system.h [code]
file  firmware.h [code]
file  gpm.h [code]
 General Purpose Memory interface, used on multiple module types (900HP, 868LP, Wi-Fi).
file  io.h [code]
file  ipv4.h [code]
file  platform.h [code]
 Common header for Hardware Abstraction Layer.
file  pxbee_ota_client.h [code]
file  pxbee_ota_server.h [code]
 Code to add an OTA Server Cluster to a device.
file  reg_descr.h [code]
 Header for XBee register descriptors.
file  register_device.h [code]
 Frame definitions and support functions for Register Joining Device (0x24) and Register Device Status (0xA4) frames used on XBee3 Zigbee modules.
file  route.h [code]
file  scan.h [code]
 Structures for the ATAS (Active Scan) API responses.
file  secure_session.h [code]
file  serial.h [code]
 Platform-specific layer provieds a consistent serial API to upper layers of the driver.
file  sms.h [code]
file  socket.h [code]
 Because this framework dispatches received frames to frame handlers, this API layer for sockets makes use of callbacks to pass received data back to the calling code.
file  socket_frames.h [code]
 Frame definitions and support functions for Extended Socket frames (0x40-0x4F and 0xC0-0xCF).
file  sxa.h [code]
file  sxa_socket.h [code]
 Header for Simplified XBee API TCP sockets over ZigBee.
file  time.h [code]
file  transparent_serial.h [code]
 Support code for the "Digi Transparent Serial" cluster (cluster 0x0011 of endpoint 0xE8).
file  tx_status.h [code]
file  user_data.h [code]
file  wifi.h [code]
file  wpan.h [code]
file  xmodem.h [code]
 Makes use of xbee/serial.h API for sending and receiving serial data.
file  xmodem_crc16.h [code]
 Header for crc16_calc() function implemented in xmodem_crc16.c.