Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
Files | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions

DOS platform (using Watcom C cross compiler) More...


file  platform_config.h
 This file is automatically included by xbee/platform.h.
file  xbee_platform_dos.c
 Platform-specific functions for use by the XBee Driver on DOS target.
file  xbee_serial_dos.c
 Serial Interface for XBee Module (DOS Platform)

Data Structures

struct  xbee_serial_t


#define PACKED_STRUCT   _Packed struct
#define XBEE_PACKED(name, decl)   PACKED_STRUCT name decl
#define _f_memcpy   memcpy
#define _f_memset   memset
#define __FUNCTION__   ""
#define LITTLE_ENDIAN   1234
#define BIG_ENDIAN   4321
#define FAR
#define INTERRUPT_ENABLE   _enable()
#define INTERRUPT_DISABLE   _disable()
#define gotoxy00(x, y)   gotoxy((x)+1, (y)+1)
#define UART_RBR   0
 Receive Buffer DLAB = 0, read.
#define UART_THR   0
 Transmitter Holding DLAB = 0, write.
#define UART_DLL   0
 Divisor Latch LSB DLAB = 1.
#define UART_IER   1
 Interrupt Enable DLAB = 0.
#define UART_DLM   1
 Divisor Latch MSB DLAB = 1.
#define UART_IIR   2
 Interrupt Identification read.
#define UART_FCR   2
 FIFO Control write.
#define UART_LCR   3
 Line Control.
#define UART_MCR   4
 Modem Control.
#define UART_LSR   5
 Line Status read.
#define UART_MSR   6
 Modem Status read.
#define UART_SCR   7
#define IER_NONE   0
#define IER_RX_DATA   (1<<0)
#define IER_TX_EMPTY   (1<<1)
#define IER_LSR_CHANGE   (1<<2)
#define IER_MSR_CHANGE   (1<<3)
#define FCR_DISABLE_FIFOS   (0<<0)
#define FCR_ENABLE_FIFOS   (1<<0)
#define FCR_CLEAR_RX_FIFO   (1<<1)
#define FCR_CLEAR_TX_FIFO   (1<<2)
#define FCR_DMA_MODE_0   (0<<3)
#define FCR_DMA_MODE_1   (1<<3)
#define FCR_ENABLE_64BYTE   (1<<5)
#define FCR_INT_TRIGGER_1BYTE   (0<<6)
#define FCR_INT_TRIGGER_4BYTE   (1<<6)
#define FCR_INT_TRIGGER_8BYTE   (2<<6)
#define FCR_INT_TRIGGER_14BYTE   (3<<6)
#define LCR_5BIT   (0<<0)
#define LCR_6BIT   (1<<0)
#define LCR_7BIT   (2<<0)
#define LCR_8BIT   (3<<0)
#define LCR_1STOP   (0<<2)
#define LCR_2STOP   (1<<2)
#define LCR_PARITY_NONE   (0<<3)
#define LCR_PARITY_ODD   (1<<3)
#define LCR_PARITY_EVEN   (3<<3)
#define LCR_PARITY_MARK   (5<<3)
#define LCR_PARITY_SPACE   (7<<3)
#define LCR_BREAK_ENABLE   (1<<6)
#define LCR_DIVISOR_LATCH   (1<<7)
#define MCR_NONE   0
#define MCR_DTR   (1<<0)
#define MCR_RTS   (1<<1)
#define MCR_OUT1   (1<<2)
#define MCR_OUT2   (1<<3)
#define MCR_LOOPBACK   (1<<4)
#define MCR_AUTOFLOW   (1<<5)
#define MSR_CTS_CHANGED   (1<<0)
#define MSR_DSR_CHANGED   (1<<1)
#define MSR_RI_EDGE   (1<<2)
#define MSR_CD_CHANGED   (1<<3)
#define MSR_CTS   (1<<4)
#define MSR_DSR   (1<<5)
#define MSR_RI   (1<<6)
#define MSR_CD   (1<<7)
#define XBEE_SER_CHECK(ptr)
#define CBUF_SIZE   255


typedef unsigned short uint_fast8_t
typedef signed short int_fast8_t


void gotoxy_ansi (int col, int row)
void clrscr_ansi (void)
uint32_t xbee_seconds_timer ()
 Platform-specific function to return the number of elapsed seconds. More...
uint32_t xbee_millisecond_timer ()
 Platform-specific function to return the number of elapsed milliseconds. More...
int xbee_readline (char *buffer, int length)
 This function is a non-blocking version of gets(), used to read a line of input from the user. More...
void __interrupt __far xbee_ser_isr ()
int xbee_ser_invalid (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Helper function used by other xbee_serial functions to validate the serial parameter. More...
const char * xbee_ser_portname (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Returns a human-readable string describing the serial port. More...
int xbee_ser_write (xbee_serial_t *serial, const void FAR *buffer, int length)
 Transmits length bytes from buffer to the XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_read (xbee_serial_t *serial, void FAR *buffer, int bufsize)
 Reads up to bufsize bytes from XBee serial port serial and into buffer. More...
int xbee_ser_putchar (xbee_serial_t *serial, uint8_t ch)
 Transmits a single character, ch, to the XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_getchar (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Reads a single character from the XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_tx_free (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Returns the number of bytes of unused space in the serial transmit buffer for XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_tx_used (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Returns the number of queued bytes in the serial transmit buffer for XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_tx_flush (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Flushes (i.e., deletes and does not transmit) characters in the serial transmit buffer for XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_rx_free (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Returns the number of bytes of unused space in the serial receive buffer for XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_rx_used (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Returns the number of queued bytes in the serial receive buffer for XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_rx_flush (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Deletes all characters in the serial receive buffer for XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_baudrate (xbee_serial_t *serial, uint32_t baudrate)
 Change the baud rate of XBee serial port serial to baudrate bits/second. More...
int xbee_ser_open (xbee_serial_t *serial, uint32_t baudrate)
 Opens the serial port connected to XBee serial port serial at baudrate bits/second. More...
int xbee_ser_close (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Close the serial port attached to XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_break (xbee_serial_t *serial, int enabled)
 Disable the serial transmit pin and pull it low to send a break to the XBee serial port. More...
int xbee_ser_flowcontrol (xbee_serial_t *serial, int enabled)
 Enable or disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS) on the serial port for XBee serial port serial. More...
int xbee_ser_set_rts (xbee_serial_t *serial, int asserted)
 Disable hardware flow control and manually set the RTS (ready to send) pin on the XBee device's serial port. More...
int xbee_ser_get_cts (xbee_serial_t *serial)
 Read the status of the /CTS (clear to send) pin on the serial port connected to XBee serial port serial. More...


Types typically defined in <stdint.h>, define manually if stdint.h is not available on this platform.

typedef signed char int8_t
 8-bit signed integer
typedef unsigned char uint8_t
 8-bit unsigned integer More...
typedef short int16_t
 16-bit signed integer
typedef unsigned short uint16_t
 16-bit unsigned integer
typedef long int32_t
 32-bit signed integer
typedef unsigned long uint32_t
 32-bit unsigned integer
typedef int bool_t
 Variable that can hold 0 or 1, may be an int for speed purporses or uint8_t for size optimization.

Detailed Description

DOS platform (using Watcom C cross compiler)

Typedef Documentation

8-bit unsigned integer

Calculate the checksum for an XBee frame.

This function actually subtracts bytes from 0xFF, in order to determine the proper checksum byte so all bytes added together result in 0x00.

Frame checksums start with the frame type (first byte after frame length).

If calculating a checksum for an outgoing packet, sum all of the bytes using this function, and send the low byte of the result.

If verifying a received packet, summing all of the bytes after the length, including the packet's checksum byte, should result in 0x00.

Should only be used internally by this library.

[in]bytesBuffer of bytes to add to sum, assumed non-NULL.
[in]lengthNumber of bytes to add.
[in]initialStarting checksum value. Use 0xFF to start or the result of the previous call if summing multiple blocks of data.
Value from 0x00 to 0xFF that, when added to all bytes previously checksummed, results in a low byte of 0x00.

Function Documentation

uint32_t xbee_millisecond_timer ( void  )

Platform-specific function to return the number of elapsed milliseconds.

OK for this counter to rollover. Used for timing and should have a resolution of at least 60ms.

  • Rabbit has 1ms resolution.
  • HCS08 has 4ms resolution.
  • DOS has 18 ticks/second (55.55ms resolution)

(Function name wrapped in parentheses so platforms can use a macro function of the same name.)

Number of elapsed milliseconds.
See also
int xbee_readline ( char *  buffer,
int  length 

This function is a non-blocking version of gets(), used to read a line of input from the user.

It waits for a string from stdin terminated by a return. It should be called repeatedly, until it returns a value other than -EAGAIN. The input string, stored in buffer is null-terminated without the return.

The user should make sure only one process calls this function at a time.

[in,out]bufferbuffer to store input from user
[in]lengthsize of buffer
Return values
>=0User ended the input with a newline, return value is number of bytes written.
-EAGAINUser has not completed a line.
-EINVALNULL buffer or length is less than 1.
-ENODATAUser entered CTRL-D to end input.

References EAGAIN, and EINVAL.

uint32_t xbee_seconds_timer ( void  )

Platform-specific function to return the number of elapsed seconds.

On some platforms, this is the equivalent of an "uptime".

On other platforms, it may reflect the value of the RTC, which might not be synchronized with a time server and might include leap seconds.

Regardless, it should consistently report elapsed time and not jump on clock synchronization.

In addition to determining timeouts, the ZCL Time Cluster makes use of it to report current time.

(Function name wrapped in parentheses so platforms can use a macro function of the same name.)

Number of elapsed seconds.
int xbee_ser_baudrate ( xbee_serial_t serial,
uint32_t  baudrate 

Change the baud rate of XBee serial port serial to baudrate bits/second.

[in]serialXBee serial port
[in]baudrateBits per second of serial data transfer speed.
Return values
0Opened serial port within 5% of requested baudrate.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
-EIOCan't open serial port within 5% of requested baudrate.
See also
xbee_ser_open(), xbee_ser_close(), xbee_ser_break()


Referenced by xbee_ser_open().

int xbee_ser_break ( xbee_serial_t serial,
int  enabled 

Disable the serial transmit pin and pull it low to send a break to the XBee serial port.

[in]serialXBee serial port
[in]enabledSet to 1 to start the break or 0 to end the break (and resume transmitting).
Return values
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_open(), xbee_ser_close()

References UART_LCR.

int xbee_ser_close ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Close the serial port attached to XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
0closed serial port
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_open(), xbee_ser_baudrate(), xbee_ser_break()

References UART_IER, and UART_MCR.

Referenced by xbee_ser_open().

int xbee_ser_flowcontrol ( xbee_serial_t serial,
int  enabled 

Enable or disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS) on the serial port for XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
[in]enabledSet to 0 to disable flow control or non-zero to enable flow control.
Return values
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_set_rts(), xbee_ser_get_cts()

References UART_MCR.

int xbee_ser_get_cts ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Read the status of the /CTS (clear to send) pin on the serial port connected to XBee serial port serial.

Note that this function doesn't return the value of the pin – it returns whether it's asserted (i.e., clear to send to the XBee serial port) or not.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
1it's clear to send
0it's not clear to send
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_flowcontrol(), xbee_ser_set_rts()

References UART_MSR.

int xbee_ser_getchar ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Reads a single character from the XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
0-255character read from XBee serial port
-ENODATAThere aren't any characters in the read buffer.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_read(), xbee_ser_write(), xbee_ser_getchar()

References ENODATA, and xbee_ser_read().

int xbee_ser_invalid ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Helper function used by other xbee_serial functions to validate the serial parameter.

Confirms that it is non-NULL and is set to a valid port.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
1serial is not a valid XBee serial port
0serial is a valid XBee serial port
int xbee_ser_open ( xbee_serial_t serial,
uint32_t  baudrate 

Opens the serial port connected to XBee serial port serial at baudrate bits/second.

[in]serialXBee serial port
[in]baudrateBits per second of serial data transfer speed.
Return values
0Opened serial port within 5% of requested baudrate.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
-EIOCan't open serial port within 5% of requested baudrate.
See also
xbee_ser_baudrate(), xbee_ser_close(), xbee_ser_break()

References EINVAL, PRIu32, UART_FCR, UART_IER, UART_LCR, UART_LSR, UART_MCR, UART_MSR, UART_RBR, xbee_cbuf_init(), xbee_ser_baudrate(), and xbee_ser_close().

const char* xbee_ser_portname ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Returns a human-readable string describing the serial port.

For example, on a Windows machine this will be "COM1" or "COM999". On a Rabbit, it will be a single letter, "A" through "F". On Freescale HCS08, it will be something like "SCI1" or "SCI2". On POSIX, the name of the device (e.g., "/dev/ttyS0")

Returns "(invalid)" if serial is invalid or not configured.

null-terminated string describing the serial port
int xbee_ser_putchar ( xbee_serial_t serial,
uint8_t  ch 

Transmits a single character, ch, to the XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
[in]chcharacter to send
Return values
0Successfully sent (queued) character.
-ENOSPCThe write buffer is full and the character wasn't sent.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_read(), xbee_ser_write(), xbee_ser_getchar()

References ENOSPC, and xbee_ser_write().

int xbee_ser_read ( xbee_serial_t serial,
void FAR buffer,
int  bufsize 

Reads up to bufsize bytes from XBee serial port serial and into buffer.

If there is no data available when the function is called, it will return immediately.

[in]serialXBee serial port
[out]bufferbuffer to hold bytes read from XBee serial port
[in]bufsizemaximum number of bytes to read
Return values
>=0The number of bytes read from XBee serial port.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
-EIOI/O error attempting to write to serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_write(), xbee_ser_putchar(), xbee_ser_getchar()

References EINVAL, hex_dump(), HEX_DUMP_FLAG_TAB, xbee_cbuf_get(), and xbee_cbuf_used().

Referenced by xbee_ser_getchar().

int xbee_ser_rx_flush ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Deletes all characters in the serial receive buffer for XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_tx_free(), xbee_ser_tx_used(), xbee_ser_tx_flush(), xbee_ser_rx_free(), xbee_ser_rx_used()


int xbee_ser_rx_free ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Returns the number of bytes of unused space in the serial receive buffer for XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
INT_MAXThe buffer size is unlimited (or unknown).
>=0The number of bytes it would take to fill the XBee serial port's serial receive buffer.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_tx_free(), xbee_ser_tx_used(), xbee_ser_tx_flush(), xbee_ser_rx_used(), xbee_ser_rx_flush()

References xbee_cbuf_free().

int xbee_ser_rx_used ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Returns the number of queued bytes in the serial receive buffer for XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
>=0The number of bytes queued in the XBee serial port's serial transmit buffer.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_tx_free(), xbee_ser_tx_used(), xbee_ser_tx_flush(), xbee_ser_rx_free(), xbee_ser_rx_flush()
Unlike xbee_ser_tx_used(), this function MUST return the number of bytes available. Some layers of the library wait until enough bytes are ready before continuing.

We may expand on or replace this API. On some platforms (like Win32) we have to do some of our own buffering in order to peek at data in the serial receive buffer. Most of the driver only requires a check to see if some number of bytes are available or not. Consider changing the API to something like:

1 int xbee_ser_rx_avail( xbee_serial_t *serial, uint8_t count)

returns TRUE if count bytes are available, FALSE otherwise.

References xbee_cbuf_used().

int xbee_ser_set_rts ( xbee_serial_t serial,
int  asserted 

Disable hardware flow control and manually set the RTS (ready to send) pin on the XBee device's serial port.

Typically used to enter the XBee device's boot loader and initiate a firmware update.

[in]serialXBee serial port
[in]assertedSet to 1 to assert RTS (ok for XBee to send to us) or 0 to deassert RTS (tell XBee not to send to us).
Return values
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_flowcontrol(), xbee_ser_get_cts()

References UART_MCR.

int xbee_ser_tx_flush ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Flushes (i.e., deletes and does not transmit) characters in the serial transmit buffer for XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_rx_free(), xbee_ser_rx_used(), xbee_ser_rx_flush(), xbee_ser_tx_free(), xbee_ser_tx_used()


int xbee_ser_tx_free ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Returns the number of bytes of unused space in the serial transmit buffer for XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
INT_MAXThe buffer size is unlimited (or unknown).
>=0The number of bytes it would take to fill the XBee serial port's serial transmit buffer.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_rx_free(), xbee_ser_rx_used(), xbee_ser_rx_flush(), xbee_ser_tx_used(), xbee_ser_tx_flush()

References xbee_cbuf_free().

int xbee_ser_tx_used ( xbee_serial_t serial)

Returns the number of queued bytes in the serial transmit buffer for XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
Return values
0The buffer size is unlimited (or space used is unknown).
>0The number of bytes queued in the XBee serial port's serial transmit buffer.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_rx_free(), xbee_ser_rx_used(), xbee_ser_rx_flush(), xbee_ser_tx_free(), xbee_ser_tx_flush()

References xbee_cbuf_used().

int xbee_ser_write ( xbee_serial_t serial,
const void FAR buffer,
int  length 

Transmits length bytes from buffer to the XBee serial port serial.

[in]serialXBee serial port
[in]buffersource of bytes to send
[in]lengthnumber of bytes to write
Return values
>=0The number of bytes successfully written to XBee serial port.
-EINVALserial is not a valid XBee serial port.
-EIOI/O error attempting to write to serial port.
See also
xbee_ser_read(), xbee_ser_putchar(), xbee_ser_getchar()

References EINVAL, FAR, hex_dump(), HEX_DUMP_FLAG_TAB, INTERRUPT_DISABLE, INTERRUPT_ENABLE, UART_IER, UART_LSR, UART_THR, xbee_cbuf_free(), xbee_cbuf_getch(), and xbee_cbuf_put().

Referenced by xbee_ser_putchar().