Digi XBee(R) ANSI C Host Library
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables

This file is automatically included by xbee/platform.h. More...

#include "derivative.h"
#include "rtc.h"

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Data Structures

struct  xbee_serial_t


#define XBEE_CW6
#define __FUNCTION__   "xbee"
#define LITTLE_ENDIAN   1234
#define BIG_ENDIAN   4321
#define PDP_ENDIAN   3412
#define _f_memcpy   memcpy
#define _f_memset   memset
#define INT16_C(x)   (x)
#define UINT16_C(x)   (x ## U)
#define INT32_C(x)   (x ## L)
#define UINT32_C(x)   (x ## UL)
#define PRId16   "d"
#define PRIu16   "u"
#define PRIx16   "x"
#define PRIX16   "X"
#define FAR
#define SERIAL_PORT_SCI1   1
#define SERIAL_PORT_SCI2   2
#define HAVE_SWAP_FUNCS   1
#define xbee_seconds_timer()   (SEC_TIMER)
#define xbee_millisecond_timer()   (MS_TIMER)


typedef signed char int8_t
typedef unsigned char uint8_t
typedef int int16_t
typedef unsigned int uint16_t
typedef long int32_t
typedef unsigned long uint32_t
typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t
typedef signed char int_fast8_t
typedef uint8_t bool_t


void xbee_reset_radio (struct xbee_dev_t *xbee, bool_t asserted)
 Function to pass to xbee_dev_init() to control the EM250's /RESET pin on PTCD4.


xbee_serial_t HOST_SERIAL_PORT
xbee_serial_t EMBER_SERIAL_PORT

Detailed Description

This file is automatically included by xbee/platform.h.